Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Laundry Day(s)

Doing the laundry is bit of a challenge in our apartment, but no different than with most German families, since they generally don't have dryers (or tumblers, as we lave learned they are called).  Our landlady, Lorena, said that is by preference rather than any electrical or other particular reason.  Many apartment buildings have a drying room and different apartments are assigned different wash days.  Our apartment building has a drying room and our unit has a rack that we use, but it takes pretty much 24 hours to dry a load.  So it takes 2 or 3 days to do the laundry, one load a day - and then, since we only brought a limited wardrobe, it is almost time to start over!  However, Lorena has decided that if she is going to rent to Americans, she might as well get a dryer, so one is to be installed within the next few weeks.  Nice!  A person from Mr Lodge came this morning to check out the situation and we will have to have another outlet installed, controlled by the light switch in the bathroom.  The other outlet that the washer is hooked up to isn't sized right for a washer and a dryer.  So we will be visited by an electrician and then the dryer can be installed.

Laundry in the Living Room!
You may notice that almost everything on the rack is pink or lime green.  Our landlady apparently LOVES pink, purple, and lime green.  The walls and furniture are all white, but pretty much everything else is one of those colors - towels, sheets, dining room rug, planter boxes on the balcony, radio/CD player, and even the ironing board cover!  (Denise)

1 comment:

  1. Love those neon colors! Your laundry saga brings back memories of traveling with the kids in the days before full-size washers. We rented several gites that had a portable machine that could wash one pair of jeans at a time. There was no spin cycle, so we would have to hand-wring (Jerry at one end, me at the other, twisting as hard as we could.) Then it would take two days for them to dry. Needless to say, we wore our jeans until they were REALLY dirty!
