Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Saturday, April 28

We made it to Munich without a hitch.  Left PDX on Thursday April 26 and arrived in Zurich at 8:20 am on Saturday April 28.  Customs was a breeze, just looked at our passports and said go on.  Some concern when we told them we were on holiday for 6 months in Munich.  Everyone reminds us that three months is the maximum without a Residence Permit.  We picked up our baggage and headed for the Deutche Bahn down an escalator.  Quite different experience than when entering the US.  The ticket to Munich for the two

 of us was less than $250.  A bargain! There were two train changes, one at Schaffhausen, CH and one at Ulm, DE.  We arrived at the Hauptbahnhof at 3:35, a few minutes late.  Arriving late is not a common experience with German trains.

Our landlady, Lorena and her boyfriend, Christoph were there to meet us and drove us to the apartment.  We were dead tired and were grateful that she had offered to do this.  After showing us around the apartment, they left us and we were on our own.  Here are a few pictures from our balcony: (Gary)

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