Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Dachau and the Big Game

We had a short visit with our Finnish Exchange Student, Hanna and her husband Tomi.  They had never been to Munich, so it was fun being their tour guide for a day or two.  They stayed at a hotel a couple of blocks from us. It has been twenty years since Hanna came to live with us for year.  How can that be??!!

Enjoying a German meal at a restaurant that specializes
 in giant roasted pork hocks,
as you can see on Gary's plate.

Hanna and Tomi

On the Ohlmullerstrasse Bridge on the Isar
The first day we went to Dachau Concentration Camp.  We hadn't been there and it was quite interesting.  It was one of the first camps in Germany, started mainly to house political prisoners, then gradually becoming a central location for all prisoners, Jews, Homosexuals, and anyone who didn't share the values of the Third Reich.  It wasn't nearly as awful as Auswitz in Poland that we visited, but it wasn't a vacation spot either.  A few pictures:

Enterance to Camp - "Work Liberates"

One of the main barracks - One of 34

Locker Room for Personal Items

Sleeping Room


We never saw a picture of any women, maybe it was just for men.  Seems sterile today for all the horrors that went on.  They had a crematorium, but it was never used.

On Saturday May 19 there was the final game for the Soccer championship of the UEFA.  Munich was selected as the venue before it was known who would be in the finals.  As it turned out it was Bayern versus Chelsea.  Needless to say Munich for a couple of days was very exciting.  We were in Marienplatz the night before.  Some pictures in the Viktulienmarkt on the day of the big game:

Our Formerly Quiet Beer Garden in the Viktualienmarkt


And More

And Still More

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