Monday, June 18, 2012

Starnberger See

Starnberger See on a lovely sunny day
with the Alps in the background
After many days of rain, we had a beautiful day last Friday, so we hopped on a train and went south to another of Munich's nearby lakes, in what is called the "Five Lakes Region".  Starnberger is the largest of the five lakes, is considered more elegant and is known as the Lake of Princes", whereas Ammersee that we visited a month or so ago, is called the "Farmer's Lake".  The water in Starnberg is beautifully clear, not the cloudy and murky water of Ammersee.

Historically, the Munich royal family of Wittlesbach had a castle or two here, and it was at Lake Starnberg that "mad" King Ludwig ll met his still unexplained death.

We walked about seven miles along the west shore from the village of Starnberg to Tutzing, enjoying a picnic and the sun along the way.
Boat houses along the shore in Starnberg

Idyllic setting

The view during our picnic of bread, cheese, salami, cherries --
and beer, of course!

On the way back to the train station, we happened on some multi-family homes with interesting architecture and details.

This one doesn't quite fit, does it? 

The end of another great day - and our train back to Munich.

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