Thursday, June 28, 2012

Another day, Another Castle -- Schloß Schleißheim

Schloß Schleißheim
Schloß Schleißheim was built in the early 1700's and is located just north of Munich.  It was intended to resemble Versailles and was to be a monumental complex consisting of four wings, but only this main wing was completed.

The interior of this schloß is my favorite of the castles we have seen so far.
The Vestibule

The Grand Staircase - and it is indeed grand!

The beautiful room below is accessed from the Grand Staircase and is now used as a concert hall - how nice that it is used rather than just being a museum piece.
The Large Hall
The ceiling of the Large Hall
The Hall of Portraits with five recently restored
chandeliers, each containing 2400 pieces of glass.
Royal apartments are all designed similarly in a "row" fashion with the anti-chamber, followed by the audience chamber, then the bedroom, then one or two private rooms.
This is looking from the
private rooms back through to
the anti-chamber, the first
public room.
The Queen's Bedroom

The Rear Gardens --
completely restored a couple of years ago 

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