Friday, May 11, 2012

Residence Permit

On Thursday we went back to the office where we were registered.  After two and a half hours, some waiting, a personal interview, and 100 Euros we were granted our Residence Permit.  This allows us to stay in the country for 6 months.  It is a relief since we didn't know exactly what documentation was required to support our application.  We now have another document with an awful picture posted in our passport.

...and they put our name on the apartment intercom by the front door,
so guess we are really residents now!

Since we had a partner day pass on the Munich transportation system (MVV), we decided to go to the Olympic park, north of the city.  It is where the infamous Munich Olympics were held in 1972.  Today it is a sports complex, but mainly a beautiful park where one can walk or jog on the many paved paths.

We also visited the BMW Welt(world) which was across the street by the underground station.  It is quite spectactular.  There is a museum and factory tours, neither of which we took because we need reservations and we didn't have the time.  Inside the building that was a showplace for the new models, there was a man on a motorcycle that was going up and down stairs, to show his prowess on his mount.  He showed off by coming down the stairs several times balancing on the front wheel.  The audience was very appreciative.  A couple of pictures:

Olympia Park from the Bridge over the freeway
Olympic Swimming Center

BMW Museum and Factory


  1. I want to see a picture of the motorcycle coming down the stairs! Carole

    1. That is going to have to wait till the next time we go there with a fresh battery in the camera.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
